Tuesday 23 June 2009

Thank you Teacher

This is one of two cards I'm doing for my Son's year six teachers. There's only a few weeks left before he finishes in the Junior school. Bless! Pretty pinky girly ... that covers it! I've just smudged out her name. Second one to follow.

Happy Days!

Wednesday 17 June 2009

Not a card ....

Well naughty me .. I've been so busy, but not doing cards! This is a pot I've painted for a local school summer fair .. it's for a game I used to do at the scouts fete years and years ago when I was small. I did one for our children's christmas fair at their school a couple of years ago and it was a big hit. It came out again at the spring fair and another parent asked if I could do one for her school ... so here it is ... all you have to do, and it's easier said than done, is spoon as many marbles as you can into the hole, one handed in a minute ... it's a real giggle.

Happy Days